chia seeds health benefits

                       chia seeds health benefits                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

chia seeds health benefits
chia seeds health benefits


Chia seeds a tiny seed has amazing health benefits.                                                                                                                                                                                                 1.Chia seeds has a lot of essential fatty acids,which play a vital role in cell functions and maintaining cell membrane and organelles of cell.It has more omega 3 fatty acids than salmon. 75% of the total fats contain omega 3 Alfa linoleic acid  while 25% contain omega 6 fatty acids.These fatty acids provide energy and endurance in body by boosting oxygen transport in entire body system. They stabilizes blood sugar,helps postmenopausal and maintain healthy skins and nails.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2.It contain vitamin B1,B2 and B3 ,that keep nervous system and skin healthy.       

                                                                                                                                          3.It contain lot of fibers.28 grams of serving provide 12 grams of fibers.These fibers are not digested by the body and not need extra work to dispose of ,further they aborbe 4 to 5 times water of their weight give the feeling of fullness to body   thus satisfy the hunger and helps in weight loss.     

chia seeds health benefits
chia seeds health benefits

                 4.It is a rich source of calcium and have 5 times more calcium than milk.28 grams of servings contain 18 grams of calcium much rich .it also have boron which helps calcium to support contain various polyunsaturated fatty acids that ionizes calcium to penetrate it deeper inside the tissues and to solidify, thus strengthening the body.                                                                                                                                                      5.It is also good source of proteins as ounce or 28 grams of seeds had 5.6 grams of protein .Proteins helps in weight loss and satisfy hunger, prevent cravings.                                                                                                                                        6.They are loaded with antioxidants that play vital roll in the body to remove free radicals.                                                                                                                                                                      Besides all the benefits it is further advised for consultation prior to use for better suggestions.

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  1. Great blog

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