To make fenugreek potato recipe you have to use fresh fenugreek leaves from the market after washing put all fenugreek leaves in the gravy of tomato and stir well until all the fragrance of fenugreek comes out. That is the basic and unique step in the recipe then you have to add potatoes. Properly peeled of potatoes must be sliced in Big pieces.After adding the potatoes add little water and steam for half an hour.After steaming Stir a little And dish out accordingly
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How to make fenugreek potato recipe aalu methi
To make fenugreek potato recipe you have to use fresh fenugreek leaves from the market after washing put all fenugreek leaves in the gravy of tomato and stir well until all the fragrance of fenugreek comes out. That is the basic and unique step in the recipe then you have to add potatoes. Properly peeled of potatoes must be sliced in Big pieces.After adding the potatoes add little water and steam for half an hour.After steaming Stir a little And dish out accordingly
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