Reversing type2 diabetes.Role of Cinemmon,Fenugreek, Bittergourd in type2 diabetes.Ridge gourd for diabetes.Diabetic nephropathy,retinopathy and neuropathy.Sohan halwa recipe vidio.What is sohan halwa made of.Images of sohan halwa.Ridgegourd juice recipe.Luffa acutangula health benefits.Sohan halwa recipe.Ridge gourd benefits.Chicken karahi nutrition.Remedies of constipation,heart burns and bloating.Dietry fibers in our daily foods.obesity,hair fall
Lifestyle and dietary changes may reduce or increase the symptoms of IBS,so a careful monitoring about food components and lifestyle is very important.Making a complete record book while monitoring the events and foods causing reduction of the symptoms, play an important roll in future management of IBS. There is no any exact criteria to proceed towards a single or solid recommendation however there are certain guidelines in managing IBS.
how to heal irritable bowel syndrome naturally
1.Remove all those foods that cause triggering of symptoms. 2.Always eat at regular intervals.Take a considerable time to eat so that it should be digest properly.Do not miss any meal and there should be no any long gap between meals. 3.Exercise on regular basis because it regulate bowel movements. 4.Drink almost 8 glass of water can also take other fluids but that should have limited caffeine.Herbal tea is best option.Limit the use of coffee or tea from 2 to 3 times a day because caffeine may trigger the symptoms.Also limit the use of alcohol. FOODS.....
There are certain foods that progresses symptoms of IBS that should be avoided e.g,caffein,lactose,gluten and soya.If these contribute as components in your daily diet, monitor and exclude and then take a data of your symptoms.Common food intolerance components in your daily diet causing IBS can only be made under contraindications, if proved by your personnel records.Use probiotics and prebiotics because they have been proved to get relief.Use of much fibers in cereals,wheat bran,whole grain wheat ,and Brown rice can produced more stools.In additions starch may also produce resistant in digestion of small intestine.If eating fruit daily then always take in three servings in fix time frame almost 80 grams per serving.Some people use artificial sweeteners but that may have sorbitol that create diarrhea ,avoid it if you have symptom while using.For the symptom of bloating use oat.It is best for bloating upto one teaspoon specially at breakfast.It is available in various forms such as porridge.Always avoid FODMAP diet(fermented oligosaccharides,disaccharides,monosaccharides and polyols sugars).Researcher believes that FODMAP cannot be absorbed efficiently by small intestine and this a fluid is mixed with bowl due to their fermentation by bacteria that create bloating and gas.Examples of fodmap are wheat,yougert,Figs,mangoes and honey.Use low FODMAP diets as grapes,banana,quinoa,gluten free wheat and oat.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder of large intestine.It need a long term management because it is a complicated disease and its etiology is still unknown.The disease needs a regular back up for remedial measures,navigating the current symptoms.Symptoms always advanced in multidimensional pattern. Symptoms. 1.There may be excess of gas or stool in the abdomen. 2.Abdominal pain,cramps and bloating occur,partially or totally disappear and restart again. 3.Patient have either the symptoms of diarrhea or constipation or both.Patient may have alternate diarrhea and constipation
4.Patient get timely relief from the symptoms.When patient got relieved then the symptoms start again after some time. 5.Patient may have dysentery and mucus in his stool. 6.Patient always live restless and this behaviour create anxiety. Serious symptoms.... In case of prolonged span of disease the patient have following symptoms.
irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and causes
1.Repeated diarrhea at night. 2.Rectal bleeding that leads to iron deficiency anemia. 3.Weight loss 4.persistent pain in belly not subsidizes even after passing stool. Parameters.......... Due to complicated symptoms it is very difficult to diagnose ,however there are certain impacts and damages that can account the disease. 1.The wall of intestine have ring of muscles,and their contraction cause mass movement of intestine.If these muscles are weak then the slow movement of intestine create hard stool in rectum,that cause constipation.If the muscles are more strong then they make cause rapid movements and create diarrhea and bloating. 2.Poor signalling between brain and intestinal nerves create abnormalities in intestinal nerves.The overall body reaction occurs in order to accommodate these abnormalities. This reaction reveals in the form of diarrhea,bloating or constipation.This reaction occur as a result of immune system of body. 3.Some infection in intestine such as gastroenteritis may also leads to IBS. 4.Useful flora in some peoples may create IBS 5.Certain foods such as cabbage,citrus fruits,wheat,milk,carbonated drinks may cause IBS. 6.Stress and anxiety can also create IBS 7.gander may also be a reason because female have more numbers than male in attaining IBS.
It is commonly observed that almost fifty percent of diabetic patients suffer complications in their peripheral nervous system ,controlling peripheral body portions such as arms and legs.This complication result impairment in functions. One of these condition is carpal tunnel syndrome that start from the wrist of hand and further effect thumb,fingers and forearm.In this syndrome median nerve in the wrist swells and produce inflammation in tendon of muscles,this further swell entire Carpal tunnel of wrist.In the carpal tunnel syndrome,median nerve conduction time across the wrist of hand ,remain slow.All the nerves in the wrist compressed &traumatized. Median nerve damage prevalence,further impair quality of life,weaken muscles and produced permanent numbness in thumb and fingers.
carpal tunnel diabetic neuropathy
SYMPTOMS.... First symptom often appear at night,when patient awake up suddenly and feel his hands frozen and he responded shaking his hand to relieve the symptom.Actually this discomfort situation cause him to awake.Patient feel further numbness and tingling, starting from thumb,fingers and then to forearm.when situation further prevails the symptoms of numbness and pain occur at day as wel.Patient lost his grip or grasping power.He feels difficulty on various activities by hand such se typing,opening a bottle etc.Patient sensation of hand for hot and cold depleted.Sensation in arms and hands also damaged further, if situation prevails for longer time. TREATMENTS....... By decreasing the pressure on median nerve the progression of carpal tunnel syndrome can be delayed.Patient aged 30 with mild attack can improve betterly.However there are certain ideas that can help. 1.Resting the hand and wrist can give relief to the patient.More rest leads to more relief. 2.Placing an ice pack on wrist is also helpful.Care should be under view while contacting ice directly to the skin is harmful. 3.Stop any triggering action of hand . 4.Take help of a therapist for certain guidelines
carpal tunnel diabetic neuropathy
5.In case of severe symptoms use wrist splint in order to place the wrist in same position and to avoid bending.
carpal tunnel diabetic neuropathy
There are various splints available in the market,select by suggestion of your doctor or pharmacist.
NUTRITIONAL VALUE Lemon contain a very high level of vitamin average lemon contain 31 mg vitamin c which cover almost half of daily vitamin c requirement of human being.Researchers believed that eating 24 grams citrus daily reduced total blood cholesterol.In addition it has pectin fibers which are very important for weight loss and digestive health.Some plant components like hesperidin and diosmin have their own nutritional value to fight against cancer cells.All citrus fruits including lemon has more nutritional and medicinal values among all parts of world. BENEFITS 1.Contribute in weight loss.... There are certain soluble fibers as pectins which can expand easily in stomach thus give feeling of fullness and reduced hunger.But to attain the task you should take the pulp of lemon because only juice have no pectins. 2.Good for heart. Researcher believed that high level of vitamin c prevent various heart diseases and heart strokes.In addition with high level of vitamin c, lemon also have certain plant compounds that may reduce blood cholesterol thus preventing heart indirectly but this needs further studies.Lemon ingestion together with walk can be a helpful tool to reduce high blood pressure. 3.Prevent anemia.our body always need vitamin c for absorption of iron from plant origin which cannot absorb as quickly as iron of animal origin .So especially vegetarian required more vitamin c and can get help from lemons for prevention of iron deficiency anemia. 4.Helpful for kidneys.It is commonly seen that the deficiency of vitamin c leads to crystal formation that changed ultimately to kidney stones, however more vitamin c is helpful for formation of urine and brake crystallization.Proper use of lemons prevent kidney stones.
lemon benefits and side effects
5.lemon helps in digestion. The pulp of lemon is full with a soluble fiber,pectin which helps a lot for digestion,but it is commonly seen that the concept of lemon is only limited upto juice not till pulp.
So to get digestion advantage you have to use pulp as wel. 6.Prevent cancer. Vitamin c in lemon is an antioxidant,it help to remove various free radicals that create cancers.So regular use of lemon prevent various cancers.In addition there are certain plant compounds such as limonene which have anticancer property but the ultimate validation still have to investigate. 7.Cleansing And detoxification Lemon juice is a good cleanser and detoxifier.It helps the body to remove various toxic elements and facilitate cleanliness. SIDE EFFECTS 1.Skin irritation Using too much lemon cause skin irritation owing to acid nature.It cause redness,and dryness of skin. 2.Damage teeth Citric acid present in lemon damage tooth enamel and cause erosion of teeth. 3.Can upset GIT It can upset your stomach,cause nausea,vomiting and heart burns 4.Can produce canker sores It can produce canker sores in the mouth with painful irritation but they vanishes their own after some time.
Chia seeds a tiny seed has amazing health benefits. 1.Chia seeds has a lot of essential fatty acids,which play a vital role in cell functions and maintaining cell membrane and organelles of cell.It has more omega 3 fatty acids than salmon. 75% of the total fats contain omega 3 Alfa linoleic acid while 25% contain omega 6 fatty acids.These fatty acids provide energy and endurance in body by boosting oxygen transport in entire body system. They stabilizes blood sugar,helps postmenopausal and maintain healthy skins and nails. 2.It contain vitamin B1,B2 and B3 ,that keep nervous system and skin healthy.
3.It contain lot of fibers.28 grams of serving provide 12 grams of fibers.These fibers are not digested by the body and not need extra work to dispose of ,further they aborbe 4 to 5 times water of their weight give the feeling of fullness to body thus satisfy the hunger and helps in weight loss.
chia seeds health benefits
4.It is a rich source of calcium and have 5 times more calcium than milk.28 grams of servings contain 18 grams of calcium much rich .it also have boron which helps calcium to support contain various polyunsaturated fatty acids that ionizes calcium to penetrate it deeper inside the tissues and to solidify, thus strengthening the body. 5.It is also good source of proteins as ounce or 28 grams of seeds had 5.6 grams of protein .Proteins helps in weight loss and satisfy hunger, prevent cravings. 6.They are loaded with antioxidants that play vital roll in the body to remove free radicals. Besides all the benefits it is further advised for consultation prior to use for better suggestions.
Diabetic eye disease or diabetic retinopathy is a disease of a type 1 or type 2 diabetic from 10 to 20 years of onset of disease.Not all but majority of the cases become the victim of disease according to their diabetic history.However a diabetic patient should have a checkup for eyes by comprehensive dilated eye exam. SYMPTOMS.... The onset of disease started from blurry vision and may end to blindness.Most common symptoms are 1.Patient feel blurred vision upon awakening at morning,that disappear after some time.
2.Patient see faded objects and hazy appearance of surroundings. 3.Some people feel moving strings like objects on visionary site. 4.color blindness occur.Patient cannot differentiate between colours,and dark patches observe on visionary site. DAMAGES...... The actual damage occur on retina which is the functional unit of eye.There are numerous small,narrow blood capillaries nourishes with blood to retina.These capillaries are blocked due to excessive sugar in blood.macula of retina suffer more.
diabetes and eye care
The walls of blood vessels become thin due to blockage and they leak the blood and fluids.Retina began to swell.The body's natural protection mechanism produce new arteries for blood supply to retina but their development remain slow and they cannot perform the task.New arteries are also abnormal in their growth and they also cause blood leakage.Their abnormal growth also damage vitreous portion of eye that have plenty of water.This damage is called as vitreous hemorrhage.The damage to the vitreous portion clear water and blood normally within few weeks to a month before the retinal damage and eye can get clarity after this period.You only observe dark spots before clearity period
diabetes and eye care
But if the entire cavity of vitreous fill with blood then there may be a vision loss.Continuous growth of New vessels produce scar tissues that push the retina to backward.This cause floating objects, spot light flashes and a severe vision loss.The new developing vessels also interfere with normal flow of blood and increase pressure of fluids inside eye and produced glaucoma.
diabetes and eye care
Due to glaucoma the main optic nerve that transform signal to brain for images, damage greatly and transform poor or no signals to brain for images and create permanent blindness. CARE/ PREVENTIONS..... The onset of disease is almost certain after a definite period of time of diabetes.But the good news is that it is preventable by certain tasks or goal settings. DIABETES MANAGEMENT... In type 2 diabetes the management is not impossible by diet planes,aerobic exercises etc.And in type 1 diabetes always proper and timely medications and insulin dosage is very important.Always maintain proper record of your blood sugar .monitor daily or 3 times a day if feeling any complication.your diabetes record is very important for your doctor to advice you .A1C haemoglobin test that reflects your blood sugar record for 2 to 3 previous months play a big roll in your diabetic management.Your A1C should be below 7%. BLOOD PRESSURE AND BLOOD CHOLESTEROL MANAGEMENT.... High blood pressure further damage retinal arteries and further leaks new developing arteries hence make situation further worst. High cholesterol blocks arteries and increase pressure of eye.Control high blood pressure and cholesterol by diet and exercise and also by medicines if necessary. DOCTOR CONSULTATION..... If feel any deformity or malfunction due to any of the given symptoms then do not waste time and consult immediately to expert for advice and implement suggested advice immediately.
Insomnia is a medical disorder and the prime thing to do is its diagnosis by an expert but when diagnosed, strict medical advice of doctor is necessary along with lifestyle and behavioural changes as fallow. 1.Circadian rhythm sleep disorder should be managed.Sleep at same time and wake up at the same time each day in a week even at weekend and holidays when you sleep more.This will compel your body to adapt a constant sleeping and awakening pattern. 2.There are certain drinks such as caffeine,alcohol that work as brain stimulants.The brain stimulant effect of caffeine may last for 24 hours after intake. Caffein create difficulty to sleep as well as awakening.Alcohol only cause sedation for some time but afterward it create restless sleep overnight.Some decongestants such as inhalers create trouble in sleep.People using inhalers must consult with their doctors if have insomnia.
cure insomnia forever
3.Avoid napping and try to adopt a strong sleeping pattern especially in the darkness is very important.Napping affect quality of night sleep. 4.Exercise play a vital role in beating Insomnia.One exercise ,often have no sleeping issues.but the most important factor here is time of exercise.Those who exercise and go immediately on the bed may have a stimulant effect on brain and create insomnia.The best time to finish the exercise is three hours before you go in your bed. 5.Limit your activities in your bed and in your bedroom as well.Do Not study a book or use mobile on your bed.As well as do not watch tv in your bed room .It will create sleeping problems. 6.Do Not eat anything when you go on your bed to will activate your digestive system and create sleeping problems. Drinking too much water at night can cause excessive urination and awakening at night 7.Make your room comfortable,control temperatur,light,and noise.Also make your bed more comfortable to sleep 8.Eliminate all tensions of next day from your brains and don't make any planning of next day on bed.It will create worries for tomorrow and leave you sleepless.Remember a lucid dreamer have poor quality sleep.
9.Reduce body stress by deep breathing,muscle relaxation and yoga.The best pose of yoga for deep sleep is virasana.
cure insomnia forever
10.Cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia app is available.CBT for sleep online is also available.Cognitive therapy participations are very important for patients with insomnia.It helps them for correctness of their thoughts and belief, towards sleep change and set their targets and goals to beat insomnia. 11.hyperthyroidism,leads to sweating at night and cause insomnia.It should be cured. 12.sleep apnea or breathlessness situation during sleep should be cures as it is direct cause of Insomnia. 13.paralyzed sleep or a condition in which muscles are paralyzed during sleep,is also linked directly with insomnia needs cure. 14.Melatonin therapy can be recommended by a consultant ,in case of severe insomnia.