If we want to cook by mustard oil then first of all we have to purify the oil because it has lot of impurities that may impaire health so the best way in this regard is to burn the oil on light flam.
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How to refine mustard oil for cooking
If we want to cook by mustard oil then first of all we have to purify the oil because it has lot of impurities that may impaire health so the best way in this regard is to burn the oil on light flam.
mustard oil for cooking
Mustard oil although use for oiling hairs from centuries however it can also be use for cooking.
The boiling point is high so caught smoke at high temperature but remain very effective for deep and shallow frying.
Have both omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids and very little polyunsaturated fatty acids.So it is also have some nutritional value.
But still FDA did not approve it due to certain limitations.so its cooking property is not officially recommended.
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