Health benefits of Muskmelon

 Kharbooza or muskmelon although is  avoided by diabetics and weight maintenance program but actually it has numerous health benefits

If consumed regularly very astonishing to say it avoid diabetic nephropathy,a condition in which kidney's function is impaired due to diabetes.It has lot of fibers and help in digestion.

It is good for vision,and cardiac health.It has enough water and keep us hydrated.

karela Gosht recipe

 Karela Gosht is considered as one of the very delicious recipe combining the flavours of beef and Bittergourd.The gravy is made from very simple deeply chopped onions ginger garlic paste and tomatoes paste.

Beef is taken as boneless so that the natural beef flavour should enhanced.

And bittergourd karela should be well chopped to avoid any bitterness.

Cook well both bittergourd and beef with gravy of onions and then pressure cook till both cooked to desired level.

How to steam cabbage to retain its nutrients

 Cabbage has a lot of health benefits.To retain its nutrients while cooking the best way is to pressure cabbage with cooker without water.As it's water quantity is sufficient to produce steam so it's cook easily.

First remove the outer whorl of leaves of cabbage by hand. 


Now cut all internal whorls of florets in small pieces and steam in cooker till retain wet form.

How to make simple multigrain Atta at home


You can make simple multigrain flour at home with just two ingredients easily available in your is wheat flour and other is wheat bran. Wheat bran is the remaining of wheat after refining.It is usually discarded or used as fodder for animals.However Wheat bran is very useful commodity for diabetics and weight loss program.Glycemic index of Wheat bran is just 15.And the glycemic index of pure wheat flour is 85.If you combine two then glycemic index of mixed of both became 50 that is safe upto some extend for diabetics to drop their blood suger spikes.

how to make a Chia seeds pudding for breakfast


A Chia seeds pudding recipe can be made easily at home for breakfast by very simple ingredients,walnuts, ground nuts and chia seeds.A artificial sweetener can be added for taste, however it is optional.

This pudding helps in weight loss if added regularly in the program.

put some Chia seeds in a bowel . Now add walnuts and ground nuts.One and half tablespoon of chia seeds and handful walnuts and ground nuts sufficient.Now pour one cup milk and One tablespoon whipped milk cream . Now stir well and place in refrigerator over night and use on breakfast.


health benefits of Taro root for managing type 2 diabetes

 Colocasia Taro root or Arbi local name in Indian subcontinent has lot of health benefits 

Although Taro root is a starchy vegetable but it contain a lot of fibers and resistant starch.Dietry fibers make digestion slower thus decrease absorption of sugar in blood thus it decrease blood sugar spikes.The resistant starch is a type of starch that dugest very slowly and thus delayed absorption of sugar.Due to these two ingredients it is very ideal diet for managing type 2 diabetes.


Egg Plant Bharta Recipe


Baingan Bharta or Eggplant Bharta is a unique recipe in Indian subcontinent and is a very healthy dish.

In this recipe Eggplant is burn under fire first and gave a charcoal smell giving it a quiet amazing flavour.

Burnt Eggplants are then washed thoroughly with tap water and cooked with onions and tomatoes in little vegetable oil and dry spices only.